Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Karen Wagner Iovanna,company producer, and Martin Marchitto, production director, created a clever and new theatrical conceit as the basis of Karen's recent weekend production for her company WISP held at the Old Stone Church in East Haven: “A Funny thing Happened on the Way to the Auditions.” The director Michael Cocchi and the producer Alan Wagner are excitedly planning a new operetta, and although funds are limited, they are hopeful, with the help of their assistant Heidi Manley, to hold auditions and assemble a talented cast.

One by one, the eager thespians are ready to strut their stuff and win a coveted role. The audience is privy to all the angst and anxiety, the nerves and the nausea that can occur at any time. The what-if-I-forget the words is a constant worry as is what if I don’t get a callback or make it to the cast? Each hopeful took center stage and gave it their all, starting with Ariana Simo singing “Much More” where she pleaded with God not to be normal. At the other end of the spectrum, Lexi Kinniburgh feared she would be bashful until she belted out I’ve always been “Shy.”

Brittany Kammerer did a dramatic number,”Audition Sequence,” while climbing uphill and an accidental appearance of the church’s trusty custodian brings Victoria Reid to center stage for a stand out performance. Poor Brayden Esler, the recent victim of a girlfriend catastrophe, belts out “Falling in Love with Love,” and then providently bumps into Allison Bradshaw who while offering “Alto’s Lament” provides Brayden with a glimmer of hope. The sweet duet of Ruby Iovanna and Kate Simpson provide a little tune from “The King and I” as they “Whistle a Happy Tune,” while Kate takes back her courage in a brave song “I Have Confidence.” On to the stage wandered a guitar playing cowboy Art Longley who was hoping for a night of karaoke and settled for Viking horns and a cute rendition of the ad for J. G. Wentworth.

Amanda Maguire lamented about “What Do You Do With Your Arms” while you sing. Do you just let them hang there, useless? The director Michael Cocchi then gave a short lesson in how to “Gesticulate” while Amanda Maguire advocated about adopting “My New Philosophy.” The sad fate of a singer who never quite gets cast for the part was relayed with vigor by Marissa Salazar Nassar in “Whatever Happened To My Part (Diva’s Lament)” while a man delivering pizza, Erich Simo, spontaneously took center stage to deliver a rousing “Santa Lucia” and“Funiculi Funicula.” Michele Clay took a page from “Chicago” to give a big shoutout to the matron of the jail in “When You’re Good to Mama,” and the whole cast united in “Broadway Here I Come” to finish the first round of auditions.

The callbacks began with a hopeful “Impossible Dream” from the director, a ballad to love in “One Kiss” by Victoria Reid, a litany against the male gender by Brittany Kammerer in “I Hate Men,” a dismissal of her boyfriend George by Marissa Salazar Nassar when he has the nerve to gift her with “Vanilla Ice Cream,” a plea from the producer Alan Wagner about all the gifts he could provide “If I Were a Rich Man,”and a competitive number between Ariana Simo and Lexi Kinniburgh on how to be “Glitter and Be Gay.” The pizza man returned with Gina Consiglio to offer “O Solo Mio” and Gina offered “Chi’ Bel Sogno,", the new couple Allison Bradshaw and Brayden Esler united to sing “And This Is My Beloved.” while Marissa Salazar Nassar and Victoria Reid formed a duet to the operatic there “Sull' Aria,” Michele Clay passionates crooned “Make Them Hear You,” while the whole cast toasted the performance with “Champagne.”

Keep your eyes and ears open for the seasonal plans for WISP to reappear at Christmas with a whole host of innovative ideas, including a visit from Santa. Stay tuned.

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