Monday, August 5, 2024


When Deepak Chopra speaks, the world listens. His philosophy and wisdom are grounded in self-awareness and transformative meditation and healing. He has devoted his life to his beliefs and sharing them around the globe, authoring over 90 books that have been translated into more than 43 languages.

Deepak Chopra will share his wealth of knowledge at Waterbury’s Palace Theater on Thursday, September 12 at 7:30 p.m. when he speaks on an Awakened Life, guiding the audience with a practical toolbox, to gain a clear vision of new levels of awareness, with the goal of healing your mind and your body.

Born in India, Deepak Chopra began his studies of medicine there before emigrating to the United States in 1970. Two decades later he began proposing a holistic approach to health and well being combining yoga, meditation and nutrition. He believes a person can achieve “perfect health” and be free from illness, never feel pain and not age. He contends that a person’s state of mind can influence human aging to speed it up, slow it down or even reverse it. He is not without his critics.

His medical teachings have undergone scrutiny, as raising false hopes and turning sick people away from accepted medical treatments. He believes 80% of drugs prescribed by doctors are of marginal value and he has become a leading proponent of transendental meditation. In his mind, health care means that “your mind, your body, and your consciousness - which is your spirit - and your social interactions, your personal relationships, your environment, how you deal with the environment and your biology are all relationships inextricably woven into a single process…By influencing one, you influence everything." These are his practical tools to ensure your life has joy, compassion and love.

For tickets ($49.50-89.50), call the Palace Theater, 100 East Main Street, Waterbury at 203-346-2000 or online at

Deepak Chopra’s 95th book will be published less than a week after his talk on September 17, 2024, “Digital Dharma: How AI Can Elevate Spiritual Intelligence and Personal Well Being.” Come hear for yourself what this new age guru and alternative medicine advocate has to say about life and health and your part in making them improved.

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