Friday, June 9, 2017



For 34 years, the Theatre Artists Workshop of Norwalk has been a safe testing ground and meeting place for actors  and all associated show business folk. They meet every Monday night to ply their craft, perfecting their efforts and encouraging their membership. Occasionally they open their doors with a presentation for the public and one occurred recently, the Playwright’s Festival for Spring, 2017.  A series of eight offerings, eclectic in nature, were staged to great acclaim.

Rosemary Foley has written “Cue Cards for Men," a comic tongue- in- cheek score card of inappropriate commentary that men are prone to deliver to the dismay of their female companions. Come to a symphony for Bach and witness how Randall Krongard  disturbs his date Samantha Pattison to the displeasure of audience members played by Allan Zeller (also the director) and Nadine Willig.

Frank Izzo’s “Failure to Extract” takes you graveside as a kid brother, Frank Piazza, talks on his sixty-fifth birthday to his long dead sibling, reminiscing about the past and a prized Chevy convertible and about a letter he found from their recently deceased dad.  Martin West directed this melancholy piece.

Murder and mayhem are swirling around ”Stacy and Doug” by Jim Gordon, also directed by Martin West.  Susan Jacobson and Randall Krongard are locked in a macabre duel of accusations that give  "wicked" a bad name.

It’s spring and it’s that time of year, to clean up here on earth and even down below.  Let Mary Jane Schaefer, with the help of Carole Schweid as director, dust off the underworld in “Spring Cleaning in Hell.”  Sean Hannon as Hades and Leigh Katz as Persephone have very different ideas about their less than ideal living arrangements. 

A young widow, played by Molly Garbe, is traumatized by her first plane trip and an episode of turbulence.  She seeks reassurance from her seat mate, a comforting Sean Hannon, in Rosemary Foley's "First Flight." Miss Foley also directs her play.

An outspoken and obnoxious Nadine, brought to hilarious life by Sachi Parker is Fred Stroppel's "The Friend From The City" who turns Curt (Frank Piazza) and Vicki's (Emilie Roberts) lives upside down and inside out when she comes for a visit. Just who is telling the truth?  Martin West directs again.

Joanna Keylock's Anna is the conscientious mother trying to arrange "The Play Date" by Megan Smith-Harris, who also directs it, for her young son Jack.  Suddenly her patriotism and parenting skills are called into question and Jack's chances for a new friend are shot down.

A married couple Jodi (Stephanie Hazard) and Peter (Allan Zeller) are quickly at odds with each other in "The Basement of Everything You Need" by Fran Dorf, who shares the directing credits with Allan Zeller.  Are they desperate or just grateful to be alive?  Is the ocean out their window or impossible to view? Will a shared hotdog solve any of their problems?

Look for a future production by the members of the Theatre Artists Workshop to witness how they hone their skills in the theatrical world.

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